UPDATE: Not only did Ashley Hunt Conlogue not follow the Court's order and delete her filed reply with my SSN and the financial data of many people but she had Plaintiff Lollar post it on the public Internet without even redacting the SSN. All of the records in that filing are under a protective order here in California and Texas. Ashley Hunt Conlogue has shown a flagrant disregard for the law and the Court.
This is not a direct part of the Texas case though it stems from it. It's just to show you that Amanda Lollar of Bat World Sanctuary gave her California attorney Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue of Arendsen Cane Molnar law firm stolen documents besides heavily edited documents. Lollar convinced her incredibly stupid attorney to file them and to not even file them under seal. Some of the documents were under a protection order. Ashley Hunt Conlogue was willing to risk her license, destroy her reputation for a couple of grand in legal fees.
From email I sent to Los Angeles, California attorney, lawyer Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue.
"Attached please find a complaint I mailed and filed in court proceedings and to the California State Bar today against Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue. Ashely was severely reprimanded by Judge Robert Hess at an 8:30 hearing today in Dept 24 for this exact behavior. Hess stated it was sanction-able behavior. Hess is taking the matter under submission.
Ashley intentionally publicly filed stolen bank records, stolen PayPal records, unauthenticated documents, documents which were covered by a protective order in Texas and California and had to be filed under seal, social security number, bank account numbers, routing numbers, signatures, confidential banking data, confidential names, and confidential contact information of other people. This was also a violation of
California Rule of Court 1.20. None of the items were redacted in the filing.
I instantly notified Ashley that she'd done this and she refused to delete the filing thereby allowing many people and organizations to be harmed by identity theft and bank theft.
I filed a letter and motion to the court demanding that the file be destroyed. In the meantime people will be harmed while the document is publicly available as Ashley refuses to remove it.
This complaint is a public document filed in court filings. It is privileged. I will be posting a copy online later on today."
Below is what was stated by Judge Robert Hess of Department 24 in Los Angeles Superior Court. I am asking for sanctions.
Judge Robert Hess: "Now, I'm going to admonish you, Plaintiff (attorney Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue). You are NO longer, you will NEVER, ever, ever ... EVER submit papers with unredacted social security number, and that personal identifying information, PayPal account numbers, to the court. You KNOW you can't do that! And the bank records not under seal, the account numbers, routing numbers. There may still be consequences. I will think about it."
The Judge did formally admonish Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue in writing in a filed court order. The text is,
"Plaintiff is admonished that submission of unredacted records containing Ms. Cummin's SSAN and Paypal account records, and the bank account and routing numbers for Animal Advocates, is unacceptable. Plaintiff shall forthwirth take steps to seal the offending documents, andor to substitute redcted copies, including submission of any necessary order. Further violation of CRC 1.120(b) will subject offending party to monetary sanctions."
The court typist spelled my name wrong and wrote the wrong code. It should be 1.20(b).
Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue, Ashley Hunt, Ashley Conlogue, admonished, sanction, punish, complaint california bar association |
From the complaint.
August 26, 2016
Via email, fax and USPS
State Bar of California
Arendsen Cane Molnar LLP
Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue
Judge Robert Hess Dept 24
RE: Complaint against attorney Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue State Bar 285277 Case BS140207
August 26, 2016
Via email, fax and USPS
State Bar of California
Arendsen Cane Molnar LLP
Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue
Judge Robert Hess Dept 24
RE: Complaint against
attorney Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue State Bar 285277 Case BS140207
August 12, 2016 attorney
Ashley Marie Hunt Conlogue publicly filed the below document with the LA County
Superior Court.
DEFENDANT MARY CUMMINS IN THE SUM OF $2,988.00, 1-133 pages.
This document was not filed
under seal. It’s in violation of protective orders in Texas and California. It
contained the social security number of Defendant Mary Cummins, checks with
full routing number, bank account numbers, signatures, names... The document also
included stolen bank records and PayPal records. Attorney Ashley Hunt knew this
when she filed it per email sent June 23, 2016 (Exhibit 1).
An email was sent to Ashley
Hunt and Christian Molnar who is also an attorney in this case telling them
they publicly filed a document with data which is not allowed per California
Rule of Court 1.20, contains stolen documents… (Exhibit 2).
A letter was sent to the
clerk and court advising them that the document contained forbidden data asking
them to strike and destroy the document (Exhibit 3).
A reply was filed to Plaintiff's
August 12, 2016 motion on August 24, 2016 (Exhibit 4) stating the documents
were not redacted or filed under seal. Defendant also advised the attorney
again that the Animal Advocates bank statements and all PayPal records were
stolen. No one signed an authorization for Animal Advocates records. The Texas
judge clearly stated that Plaintiff was not allowed to have the records of
Animal Advocates. The authorization which Defendant did sign did not include
any PayPal records. Plaintiff's Texas attorney forged an authorization and sent
the forged authorization to the bank and PayPal to illegally receive those
records. The PayPal data which was included was highly edited and put into an
Excel chart.
At the August 26, 2016
hearing attorney Ashely Hunt also committed perjury by lying to the court. Hunt
stated she did not receive the email service of Defendant's August 24, 2016
reply. That is a lie. Hunt received and opened it 46 seconds after it was sent
(Exhibit 5). Defendant sent it to the email address which was listed as the
contact email for Hunt in the State Bar of California directory.
In court Judge Robert Hess
formally stated that attorney Hunt was clearly in the wrong for publicly filing
unredacted documents with social security numbers, bank account numbers,
signatures .... Judge Hess stated that Hunt's action was sanctionable. Judge
Hess has not yet signed an order. The hearing was recorded. A transcript can be
made if necessary.
In a previous hearing on May
10, 2016 attorney Hunt again committed perjury and defamed Defendant. Hunt
stated that Defendant has a new name and social security number. Hunt stated
she has proof. There was no proof. Defendant has never changed her name or
social security number. Hunt was trying to smear the reputation of Defendant to
the Judge.
I am asking that Ashely Hunt
lose her license for intentionally filing confidential documents against
California Rule of Court Rule 1.20, filing stolen documents and lying in court
documents and at hearings. Attached is the formal complaint form and Exhibits.
This complaint is privileged and public as it is being added to case BS140207,
sent to the Court and State Bar of California. If you have any questions, feel
free to give me a call.
Mary Cummins
Attached: Complaint,
A copy of the complaint was sent to the lawyers and law firm. Ashley's husband is also a lawyer. They are both young, new lawyers but still should have known better. Ashley thought she could get away with it.
Here is the full complaint to the California Bar Association.
Mary Cummins vs Amanda Lollar, Mary Cummins, Amanda Lollar, Bat World, Bat World Sanctuary, Randy Turner, Randall Turner, Randall E Turner, Randall Eugene Turner, attorney, lawyer, fort worth, texas, tarrant county, second court of appeals, 352-248169-10, 352nd District Court, Judge Bonnie Sudderth, Justice Bonnie Sudderth, Judge William Brigham, Justice William Brigham, 2015-002259-2, 2015-002259-3, 02-12-00285-CV, 02-16-00165-CV, county court 3, Judge Mike Hrabal, Mike Hrabal, Judge Jennifer Rymell, Jennifer Rymell, defamation, libel, slander, breach of contract, forgery, fraud, perjury, disbar, unethical, unprofessional, inappropriate